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Crane Binder Technologies’ sitemap adopted to help users frustrated at not being able to source suitable products from big box office supply stores. You can no longer purchase many well established brand names at local stationery stores.

The “house brand” supplanted established name brand merchandise from outside the USA. In many cases the quality and packaging faltered.

Corporate buyers trying to maintain semblance of control in keeping corporate campus facilities supplied with pens, pencils, paper clips, ring binders,folders, paper, adhesive tape are often challenged.

Hardcover turned edge 11 x 17 ring binders is an example Of listening to corporate end users. Big Box furnishes sealed vinyl film binder that will not last 60 days. The Crane Binder product last for decades. Over nine(9) Styles listed in Sitemap.

Our sitemap is filled with products produced by Crane Binder that big box could not source.

Changing trends in office supplies. Advent of digital media has lessened need for large quantities of paper related Office supplies. Larger office supply manufacturer have often tried to sell entire divisions.

Major name brands have ALL been sold or gone out of business.

Significantly Esselte Pendaflex recognized the downward shift in North American office supply market. Decades of innovative business strategies have not restored profitability.

Intent of this sitemap is to make it easy for the users to find pages that are otherwise difficult to reach. It can also discover new sections of the website.

Sitemap can provide a high level view of the content. One interesting discovery is paper filler for your printers And binders. Paper with larger diameter punched holes And mylar reinforced holes. See sitemap title Filler Paper.

Sitemap tries to link every page as well as a “footer” link. Have you ever consulted a big board display map in a Shopping Mall ? You locate the [you are here] flagged in red. Locations of the floors, areas and shops. Don’t forget the Food Court.

Search engines will let us know that you have visited. We let them know when new content has been added . Google is insistent that we advise them we are the author of origin and the original publisher.

Ringboard is a new sitemap title. Totally new concept For clipboards. Trending.

Business trends move fast. Enterprise did not sense the impact of the smartphone, e tablets nor the iCloud. There was an over reliance on paper as a primary source for information management. Enterprise did not go paperless. Business paper usage is still strong.

Papr documents will remain important to organization. Crane Binder Technologies Sitemap will help its customers recognize that each paper document should be considered a “mission critical document”.

Paper is concrete.